By Jeff Brumley The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship is now issuing calls for money and volunteers to help Louisiana residents impacted by Hurricane Isaac. Those calls have already been answered by debris and muck removal teams from nine CBF churches in seven…
Missing pieces
By Amy Butler I’ve never been especially good at doing puzzle-like activities. In fact, I don’t like them one bit. For example, I’ve never understood the attraction of those puzzle books kids take on long car rides. I don’t get…
Seeking community
By Molly T. Marshall A visitor showed up at church a couple of weeks ago unannounced. She had recently begun to rear her very young grandchildren, in addition to the young girl she had adopted, and wanted them to receive…
Alabama coffee shop fills ministry need
By Jeff Brumley Missional ministry usually involves a church searching beyond its four walls for ways to tackle the pressing needs of its community. Usually. “I agree with the whole missional concept,” said Mart Gray, pastor of Covenant Community Church…
Church van crash kills two
By Bob Allen Two people were killed and 12 others injured Sunday morning when a van carrying youth from Cedar Grove Baptist Church in Maryville, Tenn., collided head-on with an SUV while returning from a weekend retreat in Gatlinburg. The…
‘Coaching bug’ gaining in Baptist life
By Jeff Brumley Courtney Krueger is so excited about ministry coaching that he can barely contain himself when asked about it. “It has opened a whole new world to me,” said Krueger, the senior pastor at First Baptist Church of…
Church visits firefighters on 9-11 date
By Jeff Brumley Sometimes, being “missional” means developing innovative ministries and programs that push churches out of buildings into their communities. At other times it just means paying attention to the calendar. Susan Rogers and her congregation at The Well…
Things worth fighting for
By Bill Wilson As part of our work with congregations which are engaging in the process of imagining their future, the Center for Congregational Health invites them to first look back and connect with their past. An effective tool for…
Things worth fighting for
By Bill Wilson As part of our work with congregations that are engaging in the process of imagining their future, the Center for Congregational Health invites them to first look back and connect with their past. An effective tool for…