Heart health has something to do with attitude, according to a new Baylor University study on stress and cardiovascular disease. The most deadly attitude is “cynical hostility,” according to the study, which was published in the journal Psychophysiology. That carrying a hostile…
How can a person find contentment in this age of cynicism?
As a child, one of my pastor’s favorite songs was “Happiness Is.” The tune echoes the upbeat refrain, “Happiness is to know the Savior. … Happiness is the Lord.” Instead of virtue, faith and encouragement, 21st-century U.S. culture violates innocence…
cynicism + the art of resurrection.
If you’ve been reading my work for any length of time (and once again, I recycle this joke only because it’s too good not to: thanks Mom!) you’ve likely at one point or another come to at least 2 conclusions about…
Ahem, (clears throat, drinks water, begins.) Blessed are the persecuted mega-church majorities, for they own most of the world already. Blessed are those who mourn the loss of Christianity’s cultural power, for they will be trapped eternally in a group…
the next right thing.
Quite often, over the course of numerous conversations unfolding inside the circled wagons of wounded American Evangelicalism, there develops this almost liturgically repetitious refrain amongst the faithful: our best years are behind us. Whether it’s wistfully recounting the size of…