It’s not every day a successful, well-known and respected nonprofit saves itself by winding down operations, but that is exactly what CitySquare is doing in Dallas. Faced with lagging donations and substantial debt, the nonprofit that serves the city’s homeless…
Ken Paxton and the NRA bullies are at it again
Last time I wrote about the NRA and Dallas, it was to lament the city’s tourism office getting in bed with the gun-rights-at-all-costs advocacy group. That’s a story that still needs to spread more. Now, however, the city has done…
What’s happening to megachurch pastors in Dallas?
Megachurch pastors in Dallas are starting to drop like flies. On June 9, Tony Evans stepped away for an unspecified period of time from the 10,000-member Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, a church he started in his living room and led for…
What do George Floyd and Kyle Rittenhouse have to do with armed civilian combat? Evidently, quite a lot
After two days at the 2024 National Rifle Association’s annual meeting in Dallas this weekend, I was ready to call the gun advocacy organization a changed institution. At first, the imagery, rhetoric and workshop topics seemed less misogynistic than those…
Dallas police shootings were a turning point for Black trauma surgeon
Brian Williams’ entire life changed in the summer of 2016 as a trauma surgeon working in Dallas. That was the night five Dallas police officers were gunned down amid a peaceful protest of police killings of Black men nationwide. The…
The fifth freedom: freedom from hate
The following message was delivered by Jimmy R. Allen, then secretary of the Christian Life Commission of the Baptist General Convention of Texas, at the Oak Cliff Community Thanksgiving Service, 1963 — six days after the assassination of President John…
‘We’re so blessed!’
This is the first in a November series produced by BNG on what it means to be “blessed,” a word so flippantly used that it often loses meaning. Before I tell you this story, I need to explain about the…
In Touch grants Southwestern Seminary $2 million to endow academic chair named for Charles Stanley
In Touch Ministries, the global broadcasting ministry founded by Charles Stanley in 1977, has made a $2 million gift to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary to create an endowed chair in Stanley’s name. The Charles F. Stanley Chair for the Advancement…
Therapist guides clients through loneliness, trauma created by spiritual abuse
“They think they are horrible people because that’s tied to the theology. You’ll find that in churches that place super focus on language like ‘I’m a sinner’ and ‘I’m a wretch.’”