For decades we have known that persons who smoke multiple packs of cigarettes per day are slowly committing suicide. Many of these people did not want to commit suicide. Some claim they did not know they were committing suicide. At…
More reflections on the rising student debt: A Latina Christian perspective
Recently I wrote a blog about student debt, and I received a comment that is worth exploring: “An essential piece of this puzzle relates to why the cost of higher education has escalated so dramatically, so as to make student…
My wife and I are partners
When it comes to changing diapers, I wish my wife and I weren’t egalitarian, but we are. Our marriage is an equal partnership. We listen for God’s guidance together and apart. We communicate our needs and express our desires openly….
April Fools: a treatise on the most un-Christian holiday of all times, ever
Now, Now, Children On the way to school this morning, the following conversation was heard from the back seat of my vehicular transportation, upon which were seated three young ones en route to their daily training at the local school…
From libraries to launching pads: cultural shifts in seminaries
According to stereotypes I’ve heard, seminary culture used to be something like this: Future ministers pack up their lives, move cities, rent a small apartment on campus and find a corner in the library in order to learn how to…
How Seminaries Fail 2: “this time it’s personal”
Recently, pastor, author, and professor Brett Younger penned a thought provoking essay outlining a few of the ways in which seminaries fail. Aside from listing the more obvious shortcomings of any institution attempting to convince well-intentioned and impassioned twenty-somethings to invest…
How seminaries fail
By Brett Younger A light shines on them. A voice calls their name. The Spirit ignites their hearts. They feel compelled to follow Jesus, challenge the church and change the world. They long to proclaim good news to the poor,…
Does your pastor need a doctorate?
By Mark Wingfield Hearing a story about yet another medium-sized church in a small town where a personnel committee desired above all that their next pastor have the title “Dr.” in front of his name, I found myself thinking, “How…
Carroll Institute elects new president
By Bob Allen Gene Wilkes, a former longtime pastor hired in June as vice president for advancement at the B.H. Carroll Theological Institute, has been elected president of the graduate level “community of faith and learning” based in Arlington, Texas….