By Ken Camp Varied views on the human body in the Bible and church tradition shape modern Christians’ attitudes about sexuality, ethicist Melissa Browning told a [Baptist] Conference on Sexuality and Covenant. Christians need to formulate “an embodied theology ……
Gushee: Covenant best model for sexual relationship
By Bob Allen The co-convener of a conference on sexuality and covenant said April 20 that long-term committed relationships are the best model for Christians struggling to make sense of changing morals about sex. David Gushee “I believe that covenant…
Ministry can be a rat race, literally
By Amy Butler Few people know how truly glamorous it is to be a pastor. We sit around reading and praying most days, sipping coffee and thinking deep thoughts about the state of the world and God and things like…
Seeing and shooting
By Miguel De La Torre By now we are all familiar with the Feb. 26 tragic story surrounding the fatal shooting of the unarmed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman in Sanford, Fla. Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch crime captain, “stood…
A family conversation
By David Gushee Today is the registrationdeadline for the CBF/Mercer [Baptist] Conference on Sexuality and Covenant. Several hundred people have already registered and by all accounts many are profoundly interested in this week’s event. One last time, I would like…
Creatively outrageous congregations
By Bill Wilson I recently heard an interview with George Lois, a leader in the advertising world in the 1950s who helped revolutionize the industry. His innovations transformed advertising and made several of his clients into household names. I found…
Remembering Noah
By Bill Leonard “But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and all the domestic animals that were with him in the ark” (Genesis 8:1). These days, I keep remembering Noah, reflecting on the relevance of his story then…
‘Stand your ground’ a national ethic?
By Zachary Bailes Throughout Easter weekend I kept thinking about Good Friday. In the wake of Trayvon Martin’s death, I wondered if the fear that put Jesus in the tomb was similar to the fear portrayed by “Stand Your Ground” today….
False conversions ‘suicide’ for churches, pastor warns
By Bob Allen Thousands, if not millions, of church members sitting in America’s pews aren’t really born-again Christians, a Washington, D.C., pastor said April 10 to a pastors’ conference in Louisville, Ky. Mark Dever Mark Dever, senior pastor of Capitol…