Here are 10 words/phrases that I would prefer not to experience personally. Oncologist Hospice Bankruptcy Betrayal Depression Suicide Divorce Termination Conflict Jail Unfortunately, over the past 14 days, 10 different people that I care about have become personally acquainted with…
Now thank we all our God
By Scott Dickison It was around the year 1636, in the town of Eilenburg, in present day Germany, during what is now known as the Thirty Years’ War — the longest and what many believe is still the most destructive…
We can make it on the broken pieces
By LeDayne McLeese Polaski It was hot in the church that steamy New Orleans night, but the members of the congregation were far more focused on the fact that this was their first revival since Hurricane Katrina — a significant…
Next-Year People
By Scott Dickison I endured a bittersweet moment recently as I walked with my 2-year-old son through a critical rite of passage. We are, as Dickisons, devout (I use this term reverently and deliberately) fans of the Chicago Cubs. This…
Moving into the future confidently
In his address to the U.S. Congress several weeks ago, Pope Francis noted that young people do not have a positive outlook for the future. “We live in a culture,” he said, “which pressures young people not to start a…
Looking forward with faith
Faith is awe in the face of mystery. – Rudolf Otto We gazed silently alongside an uncountable amount of people. The oddity was not in the differences of those of us present but in the symmetry of what we all…
‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ resonates with desire for hope and redemption
Mad Max: Fury Road is like much summer fare and looks to be a reboot of an old franchise. The first “Mad Max” movie was made in 1979. Many summer movies are just that: an old movie, an old story,…
How hard it is to enter the Kingdom of God!
I’m not a Christian because it makes my life easier; to the contrary, it makes my life harder. It’s easier to fear than it is to love It’s easier to hold grudges than it is to forgive It’s easier to…
Keeping hope alive
In Luke’s story about Mary and Joseph bringing Jesus to the temple ( Luke 2:22-40) they meet two prophets, Simeon and Anna, both well along in years. Simeon and Anna had been patiently waiting and looking for “the redemption of…