The Southern Baptist Convention held last week was hailed by many as an historic event — a changing of the guard; a broadening of the tent; a defining of their values. I hope this is so. I hope and pray…
EDITORIAL: Bumper sticker wars
As I write this, I am preparing to attend the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Greensboro, North Carolina. Aside from the anticipated bickering over the presidency and predicted controversy over resolutions, messengers are sure to hear a challenge from current…
Truck stop missionaries meet the needs of truckers
Anyone who has driven on Interstate 81 doesn't have to be told that 18-wheelers are more numerous than a pagan's excuses for not attending church. According to Laura Bullock, who represents the Virginia Department of Transportation to media representatives in…
EDITORIAL: A great partnership
Partnership: (pärtnr-shp) — A relationship between individuals or groups that is characterized by mutual cooperation and responsibility, as for the achievement of a specified goal. Throughout our 178-year history, the Religious Herald has been in partnership with Virginia Baptists. The…
Operational challenges lead BGAV to withdraw ties with children’s home
In its May 9 meeting, the executive committee of the Virginia Baptist Mission Board voted to recommend withdrawing from a cooperative endeavor with the Baptist General Convention of Virginia and the Virginia Baptist State Convention. Since 1947 the Baptist General…
EDITORIAL: Aunt Ida sees a movie
Dear Jimmy, I hope you're asittin' down 'cause you just won't believe what I'm afixin' to tell ya. Wonder of wonders, Uncle Orley actually took me to the movie house in town to see a picture show. If memory serves,…
EDITORIAL: Glad to be a Virginia Baptist
You would think after 25 years in the pastorate, I would have learned not to call the office while I'm on vacation. I'm a slow learner. In fact, I may fit into the “old dogs” category at this stage of…
Church noteburning shows ‘nothing is impossible’
Gathering around a theme “Nothing is Impossible,” the congregation of Orchard Drive Baptist Church in Bassett, known locally as “The Orchard,” celebrated its 13-year history by burning their note of indebtedness. The morning service was electric with excitement as visitors…
Celebrating 20 years
This combination of head, hands and heart has served Virginia Baptists well through the years. In addition to his responsibilities as associate editor which include the production of the paper, Dilday makes an essential contribution as a staff writer. His…