Across Africa, a particular modern-day challenge confronting several countries and governments is what to do about the growing number of street children in major cities. Whether in the south, east, central, west or north part of Africa, the problem stares…
The true story of two immigrants seeking asylum in the U.S. and the pastor who’s helping them
Michael Wangai (not his real name) has been in U.S. immigration “detention” since August 2019. The only crime he has committed is seeking political asylum in the United States with a certainty that if he returns to his home country…
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Aldapes show love to newcomers in Spain amid anti-immigrant sentiment
By Ashleigh Bugg Along the coast of southern Spain lies Playa de los Muertos or Beach of the Dead. It is a popular spot for locals and tourists enjoying the pristine shoreline made of pebbles which give the water its…
Decades of life with the ‘Lost Boys’ from South Sudan: Charlotte church loves their neighbors as themselves
Martha Kearse knew the young men were out of their element as soon as she saw them milling in bewilderment at the grocery store’s vast array of options. Very tall, very thin and very confused, they stood out like flies in a glass of milk. Kearse suspected they were some of the Lost Boys of South Sudan that she’d seen featured on the TV news magazine 60 Minutes.
Photo Gallery: Lost Boys in photos
All photos taken in this photo gallery of the Lost Boys are by Norman Jameson. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”16″ gal_title=”Lost Boys of Sudan: St. John’s Baptist Charlotte”] In this ‘Welcoming the Stranger’ series, we learn what happens when one…
From slums and drugs to faith and hope: a young man’s journey
The neighborhood around the Baptist Children’s Center in Nairobi, Kenya, can best be described with one word: slum. For Ben Oscar, the word he used to describe it was “home.” As a 6-year-old in the early ’90s, Oscar lived on…