Editor’s note: The following column was adapted from a message delivered to graduates of Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University May 2. So, this is it. We are here to bid you farewell and send you forth….
Why some retired clergy lose faith and leave church
“Be merciful to those who doubt.” — Jude 22 I belong to a support group of seven retired Mainline clergypersons. Six of the seven no longer affirm historic, creedal, orthodox, traditional theology. The same six members of the group…
An important conversation about ordaining and unordaining
Our motto here at BNG is to inspire you, dear readers, with change-making conversations. We’ve hit a nerve with one of those conversations this week, which tells me it is extremely important that we talk about this. The “this” is…
10 ways to appreciate clergy this month
For me, ministry is the family business. I am an ordained Baptist minister. Married to an ordained Baptist minister. My grandfather was a pastor, my dad is a pastor, my sister is a pastor. The rhythms and the risks of…
Few pastors say adultery should permanently ban them from the pulpit
1,000 church leaders weigh in on how to investigate allegations and when the congregation should be told.
Beware the calling
– Reflections from a spouse for ministers who support their communities during a season of funerals and tragedies Clergy, beware the calling and tread carefully before you enter into its wake. Beware the calling for it is disguised in nobility,…
Do churches allow space for us to interact with God?
There is no lack of information in a Christian land; something else is lacking, and this is something which the one man cannot directly communicate to the other. Soren Kierkegaard Our job as pastors is to create space for people…
Six observations about speaking to pastors right before they preach
For most pastors, preaching is one of the most important facets of their ministries. It is that time when they get to expound on God’s Word. Much of their training has focused on preaching, and they often spend 15 to…
It’s time to change the way pastors get paid
The budget passes, with a reluctant majority. The pastor sweats as the whispers continue. No one knows how they’re going to keep their pastor. The pastor becomes very anxious, but doesn’t know how to respond, because the minister has not…