By George Bullard Let’s be certain about vision. It is not easy. The vast majority of pastors, staff persons and lay leaders have a really difficult time understanding vision. It is not second nature to them. Vision may be something…
With God as our source congregational vision is more than numbers
God’s vision for congregations is not about me
God does not necessarily want your congregation to be successful, to grow big, to compete with others churches, to be the church with the best reputation, to have the most beautiful buildings, to have the friendliest people, to have the…
Staffing for survival
By Bill Wilson What is the most important staff position at your church? Of course, as a former pastor, I must declare that we cannot function without a pastor. What would we do without a music/worship leader? We cannot live…
American Baptists in Nebraska launch microloan ministry to address justice, poverty
By Vicki Brown Tom struggled to make ends meet, even though he had a full-time job. Willing to work more, he wanted to start a small landscaping business that would provide needed income and flexibility. Then Tom’s pastor told him…
Church adds a little beer to Bible to soften Baptist reputation
By Jeff Brumley As a pastor, Susan Sparks has been intent on findings ways church members can get to know each other outside of Sunday worship services. As a moderate Baptist, she’s been intent on modeling the kinder, gentler side…
Hope blooms in the Arkansas Delta, thanks to ministry team
Twenty-year-old Ira Nealy is from an economically distressed, high-crime community in the Arkansas Delta. Plenty of men his age in his hometown of Helena, Ark., don’t have bright futures. But such statistics don’t define Ira Nealy — thanks, he says,…
What’s necessary vs. extravagant giving
By Scott Dickison As far as the typical news cycle goes, this column is about a week late. August 29 marked the 10 year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina’s landfall on American soil. But then again, on Labor Day of 2005…
Brace yourself: It’s the ‘post-everything’ age, say church leaders
By Jeff Brumley Churches already overwhelmed by the postmodern, post-denominational and post-Christian eras should brace themselves, experts say, for another layer of change: the “post-everything” age. That’s the term Baptist pastor and congregational coach Mark Tidsworth uses to roll together…