A newspaper’s rejection of an advertisement calling Israel’s war in Gaza “genocide” underscores the debate over the term for intentionally attempting to destroy all or part of targeted people groups. “The refusal of The New York Times to run paid…
69 women have accused Trump of sexual misconduct but he’s changed the definition
As many as 69 women have accused Donald Trump of sexual misconduct, yet their stories have faded into the chasm of “another accuser” in the public mind, according to New York Times columnist Jessica Bennett. In a 3,330-word essay for…
Blinded by their hatred of Biden, Arab voters cut off their noses to spite their faces
Polling data and widespread media coverage indicate the Biden-Harris Administration has a problem: Long a bastion of support and a key voting bloc for the Democratic Party, support among Arab-American voters for the party is the lowest since party identification…
What does freedom mean to you? Black Baptist women and the fight to vote
What does freedom mean to you? On July 26, former president and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told Christians at The Believers’ Summit, an event hosted by Christian nationalist advocacy group Turning Point USA: “Get out and vote. Just this…
Reporters reveal power players and strategies that overturned Roe
Many Americans were caught off guard when the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022. But for a group of committed Christian legal activists, the end of Roe was the fruit of a successful seven-year legislative and…
Isn’t it really fundamentalist Christian nationalism?
As Christian nationalism forces itself across the American political and ecclesiastical landscape, I’ve been intrigued by recent columns from David French, New York Times commentator and prominent evangelical Christian. These include “Who Truly Threatens the Church?” (July 10), “Political Christianity…
A response to Tish Harrison Warren about livestreaming worship
“I think it’s time to drop the virtual option,” says Tish Harrison Warren in an op-ed for the New York Times, arguing that churches should stop livestreaming their services. She explains: “Bodies, with all the risk, danger, limits, mortality and vulnerability…
When the dying stops, will we remember to address the multiplied grief of COVID?
Among the many innovations to emerge from the coronavirus pandemic is this sad rubric: The COVID-19 Bereavement Multiplier. Ashton Verdery, associate professor of sociology and demography at Pennsylvania State University, led the study that created the Bereavement Multiplier, which estimates…
Religion Notes: Baptists hear warning from pope during Vatican meeting
-Baptists hold dialogue with Pope Francis
-Prayers for national healing
-Bestselling author to lecture at McAfee