Winter in Scotland is cold and dark. The sun struggles to scrape together seven hours of daylight, and each day travels a little lower across the gray sky. For the emerging agrarian societies of pre-history, making spiritual sense of the…
What is Halloween, anyway?
Halloween. The season of costumes, pumpkin carving and candy. And let’s not forget, articles telling Christians not to let their children trick or treat because this holiday derives from cult traditions. And because cults are inherently satanic, Christians should steer…
Ken Ham puts the fear into Halloween — and into the gospel
Used to be, it was the occasional apple or other healthy snack that ruined an otherwise perfect candy collection on Halloween night. But creationist Ken Ham has taken spoiling the holiday to a new level with “Halloween Learn & Share Kits” designed to scare children straight into the judging arms of Jesus.
Hoping for cessation of ‘war on Christmas’ rhetoric? Don’t, historians say
Another season of the so-called “war on Christmas,” especially in the wake of Donald Trump’s election, may be just enough to drive some people over the edge. And all indications are it isn’t going to go away. “There is no…
Enlightened pagans
By Bill Leonard “We have been taught that Christ is First-begotten of God and . . . that He is the Word (Logos) of whom all humanity partakes. Those who lived by reason are Christians, even though they have been…