It’s nearly Christmas, but after the ongoing chaos of the last two years, haven’t you wished you lived on another planet and could visit earth if you wanted? That experience is the setting for The Little Prince, written and illustrated…
Rethinking the Thanksgiving story with truth and gratitude
Thanksgiving is a holiday nearly every American can celebrate in some way. In the spirit of gratitude, one, 10 or more can gather at the table and acknowledge their many blessings. But after a closer look at its history, we’re…
Fall lessons on life and faith from the history of the apple
Hello, fall — season of planting trees, learning, road trips and comfort cooking. Coming to a community near you, it paints the trees in colorful splendor and invites us all to enjoy the earth’s bounty of fruits and vegetables. Traveling…
Music and change, blowin’ in the wind
Although travel is still restricted and we look at the outside world from our windows, my husband and I recently ventured out to the Northern California coast. Settling into our quiet upstairs room, with a balcony overlooking the magnificent Pacific…
Impressions while worshiping in God’s cathedral
While I sat in an old oak grove early Sunday morning, a time in my life replayed, bringing memories of working with consultants to raise funds for building churches. My thoughts drifted back to the 1980s when seven area congregations…
Make the world a better place with kindness
A lot of good advice has been broadcast these days, including frequent reminders about kindness. Most everyone feels some responsibility to be a little kinder, which is kind of ironic because since we’re having less contact with each other, how…
Creative hands and artistic activism in times of crisis
Hands always have fascinated me, not only as an artist where we put something of ourselves in a new and visible form, but also as a manner of human connection. My interest might have begun long ago in kindergarten when…
Memorial Day: Courage, tears and gratitude
In the United States, Memorial Day belongs to those who died serving in the military. While my dad survived two wars, we often were reminded that many didn’t. He always kept up with his “buddies” at reunions. We didn’t hear…
On Earth Day, let us remember the earth is filled with God’s glory
“Let me seek, then, the gift of silence … where the sky is my prayer, the birds are my prayer, the wind in the trees is my prayer, for God is in all.” — Thomas Merton, “Thoughts In Solitude.” This…