Every city has a story hidden in plain sight. Go and find it.
I decided to make a list: 20 actions to cultivate hope
For me, the practice of cultivating hope during the Advent season began with a list of simple action steps.
My 5-year wait on the kidney transplant list is nearly over. Two churches have carried me through
During this arduous journey, my current church and my former church have been the Church for me in countless ways, both tangible and imperceptible.
Hope in ritual: A Baptist prays the Daily Office
The Daily Office takes out that deciding factor of what to pray, how to pray, when to pray and allows me to go through the entirety of scripture, even the parts I’d rather forget were there.
I became a pastor who had trouble praying
Ash Wednesday doesn’t stand alone. It’s a gateway to the season of Lent, which is in itself a way of understanding the whole of the gospel story.
Religion Notes: Baptists hear warning from pope during Vatican meeting
-Baptists hold dialogue with Pope Francis
-Prayers for national healing
-Bestselling author to lecture at McAfee
Minister’s healing from sexual abuse intersects #MeToo era in new memoir
Lucille F. Sider is an ordained minister called to bring healing to others while carrying dark, painful secrets inside her for decades.
How to help immigrants in detention
Some of the ways that individuals and congregations can help are to learn about the issues of immigration and advocate for humane, compassionate, and sensible public policies and laws which impact the immigrant community.
Awakening to injustice: a church goes on a pilgrimage to follow immigrants’ journey from undocumented to detained
Nearly 20 people arrived early in the morning at Myers Park Baptist Church to embark on this sacred pilgrimage to listen, learn and discern how God is calling them as individuals and us as a Church to seek justice for America’s immigrants.