Baylor University has named a 26-member Commission on Historic Campus Representations to follow up on a board of regents resolution adopted in late June. The July 6 announcement from regents’ Chairman Mark Rountree and university President Linda Livingstone outlined four…
The Ethiopian Regiment and the work of redeeming America
“Liberty to Slaves.” Those were the words that were emblazoned on their uniforms as they went into battle as members of the Ethiopian Regiment. The regiment had gathered in response to the proclamation issued by Lord John, the Earl of…
There’s a double standard on pastors and politics
Imagine a prominent white Baptist pastor taking to cable news to make a case for Joe Biden and then appearing at rallies to campaign for the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee. All hell would break loose. And that pastor would soon…
What kind of witness will the white Christian church give?
Recently I posted about re-encountering my white privilege on Facebook. I told a story about a meeting with a fellow dad from my daughter’s school and about my recognition that our lives were similar yet markedly different because of the…
Tearing down statues doesn’t erase history
Three years ago, I wrestled with the news that my great-grandmother’s statue memorializing “Uncle Jeff” had been removed by the City of New Orleans from the site where it had stood on Canal Street since 1911. I know it really…
When I’m honest, I know racism is real
This week I took the unusual step of posting a direct appeal to Facebook. This message has been welling up inside of me for several weeks, and as a preacher, I was compelled to tell it. I asked my congregation…
Alumni applaud Baylor University’s pledge to explore racist roots
“I commend the Board of Regents for stepping forward with a truthful acknowledgment of the University’s past, including its connections to slavery and the Confederacy.”
Defund the police? How about ‘defunding America’ through radical, thorough-going, far-reaching change?
The American experiment has failed because it has been inequitable, unfair, unjust and discriminatory from the start, sanctioned by segments of a religion which propagated it while benefitting enormously from it.
Christian nationalism provides cover for white supremacy, BJC leader says
Christian nationalism provides cover for white supremacy, and both must be stopped by Christians concerned about religious freedom, Amanda Tyler said at the National Press Club June 26.