Confronted by the plagues of coronavirus and racism, our country needs clarity and focus from its leaders, something insecure leaders are incapable of offering.
Tower of Babel or Pentecost? The Church must not turn a deaf ear to cries for justice.
Buried beneath the binary, overly simplistic talking points and rebuttals that ignite social media content wars is the collective cry of black people who have experienced these acts of violence for hundreds of years.
Slavery, race and biblical authority: Before we claim the Bible is ‘inerrant,’ let’s confess that we aren’t
Albert Mohler’s hermeneutic of biblical inerrancy led him 25 years ago to reaffirm a scriptural mandate for slaves to dutifully ‘submit’ to their masters in whatever era or culture slavery might exist. His repentance regarding slavery, albeit delayed, is a lesson for all of us.
George Floyd and the silence of white evangelical America
This God-forsaken red stain on our white hands will never be washed clean until we white Christians repent and through peaceful, nonviolent protest declare, “We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take any more dead black men at the hands of white police.”
Justice for George Floyd: what went wrong and how to make it right
From my vantage point as a lawyer, judge and Baptist minister, I have reviewed carefully the matter of George Floyd’s death while in the custody of Minneapolis police officers and the stream of events in the wake of his death. The list of what went wrong is long and damning.
Will we white Christians continue to ignore the pleas of our black brothers and sisters?
We have a systemic problem, one that our African American brothers and sisters have tried to warn us about year after year, decade after decade, only to be ignored.
‘We can’t breathe’: an apt Pentecost prayer for white Christians
Now more than ever, we need that Breath in our bodies, that fire in our bones, that vision of an otherwise possibility that bespeaks sheer revolution and not a measured tinkering with a supposedly “broken system.”
Ahmaud, Breonna, Christian, George, and The Talk every black boy receives
Today I am trying my hardest to find solace in Jesus, another man who cried out to his mother, and to his father, when he was bleeding and suffocating on the lynching tree, being put to death by people who believed they had more power than he.
A lowdown, dirty shame: Ahmaud Arbery’s murder and the unrenounced racism of white Christians
I do not desire your tears, pity, lip service or guilt. What I, and I think many black Christians, are looking for from white Christians is renunciation. And only the genuine kind that includes a pledge to consistent advocacy and action for racial justice.