Evangelical Christians remain the lone outliers among Americans opposing both homosexual practice and same-sex marriage, according to social scientist Ryan Burge. In a Dec. 16 post on his “Graphs About Religion” Substack, Burge explores the question of whether there are…
Legal group ADF seeks to ‘reshape America into a Christian nation’
Thirty years ago, James Dobson, Bill Bright, D. James Kennedy, Don Wildmon and two dozen other conservative Christian leaders who were frustrated with the direction of the nation’s courts founded a new legal group called Alliance Defense Fund to “protect”…
After decades of advances, support for LGBTQ rights slipping slightly
After reaching an all-time high of 55% in 2021 and 2022, Republican support for same-sex marriage fell to an all-time low of 46% in 2024, even among the party’s youngest voters. This was true for a June Gallup poll and…
Divorce, double standards and debates on same-sex marriage
One of the most helpful books I read while wrestling with the topic of same-sex marriage was a book on divorce. As a gay Christian trying to discern whether Scripture might allow for the possibility of same-sex relationships, I wanted…
Africa’s Catholic bishops reject Vatican doctrine on blessing same-sex couples
A rebellion against Pope Francis is brewing in Africa. On Jan. 11, African Catholic bishops, gathered at a conference in Accra, declared the Vatican’s recent proposal to allow priests to offer non-liturgical blessings for same-sex couples is contrary to their…
‘Every single pastor at the conference should forbid their wives from attending her session’
It wouldn’t be a Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting if someone didn’t object to someone else lined up as a speaker. This year’s prize goes to Rachel Gilson, an author and speaker whose testimony is about living with same-sex attraction…
Two Mississippi UMC clergy face expulsion for officiating nonbinary wedding
Two United Methodist clergywomen face expulsion from ordained ministry for officating the wedding of a nonbinary couple. Elder Paige Swaim-Pressley and deacon Elizabeth Davidson performed the legal ceremony for Matty and Myles Cafiero because they ministered with them while chaplains…
African Anglican leaders criticize Church of England over same-sex marriage decision
The Church of England’s decision to allow same-sex couples to receive blessings in the church has drawn rebukes from church leaders in Africa. A majority of Church of England synod members, comprising bishops, clergy and laity, voted in favor of…
The Church of England’s compromise on same-sex relationships is disastrous for everyone
The Church of England’s formal separation from Rome five centuries ago began over a dispute about marriage. Now, it appears it will soon end as we know it over a dispute about marriage. Despite a busy news week that included…