First, the Southern Baptist Convention got in trouble for not sharing information about known clergy sexual abusers in its congregations; now it is on trial for spreading undocumented allegations against a Tennessee minister. On Jan. 8, the Tennessee Court of…
SBC expels Oklahoma church over pastor’s racial impersonations
An Oklahoma church has been expelled from the Southern Baptist Convention because the pastor performed in blackface at a church event and impersonated a Native American woman at another. Matoaka Baptist Church in Ocheleta, Okla., was deemed “not in friendly…
There’s ‘no evidence’ Johnny Hunt committed sexual abuse, says Florida church that cleared him and invited him to preach
A Florida church that recently platformed Johnny Hunt — and whose pastor chaired Hunt’s self-appointed “restoration” committee — has told the Southern Baptist Convention Credentials Committee it has no authority over them and has no evidence Hunt is guilty of…
Two churches ‘under inquiry’ by SBC Credentials Committee for platforming Johnny Hunt
There could be a consequence for creating a self-appointed committee to “restore” a sexually abusive pastor to ministry and then inviting him to preach at your church. You and your church could get kicked out of the Southern Baptist Convention….
About disfellowshipping churches based on the ‘clear’ teaching of Scripture
Two churches were disfellowshipped this week by the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee for “affirming homosexuality within their memberships.” I have ties to at least one of the churches — friends, colleagues and former students and seminary and Sunday school…