Gender dysphoria is “irrelevant” to claims of transgender youth and the Biden administration that a Tennessee law blocking gender-affirming medical care for minors is unconstitutional, according to the Southern Baptist Convention Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. Fighting transgender medical treatment…
30 years ago, we warned Southern Baptists about rising Calvinism
Thirty years ago next month, Marv Knox and I warned Southern Baptists about the rising influence of Neo-Calvinism in their ranks. To most, this was shocking news at the time. Our words were more prophetic than we possibly could have…
“Stuck in the Middle with You’ podcast drops 10th episode
BNG’s new limited-series podcast, “Stuck in the Middle with You,” now has 10 episodes available for streaming and download. The series features BNG Executive Director Mark Wingfield in dialogue with Benjamin Cole, also known as The Baptist Blogger. Each episode…
Southern Baptists have voted heavily Republican in last four elections
Southern Baptists have voted consistently Republican in the last four presidential elections, researcher Ryan Burge says. In his analysis of 40 U.S. denominations, “the Southern Baptists and the independent Baptists are clearly the most Republican of the bunch,” he reported…
Gladys the Baptist paved a way for women
Perhaps the greatest moniker Gladys Lewis ever was given was when the comedian Grady Nutt called her “Gladys the Baptist.” This Oklahoma City woman is not someone most contemporary Southern Baptists and Cooperative Baptists have heard of, but she helped…
No settlement reached between Johnny Hunt and SBC
An attempt to mediate the legal dispute between Johnny Hunt and the Southern Baptist Convention has failed, according to court filings. Meeting last Tuesday in Nashville, trustees of the SBC Executive Committee reportedly approved some framework for a possible settlement…
SBC may be heading toward settlement with Johnny Hunt, will sell building
Faced with millions of dollars in unbudgeted legal expenses related to sexual abuse investigations, defenses and settlements, the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee will sell its downtown Nashville office building, which is valued at more than $30 million. While that…
Former editor explains how the Boston Globe broke the Catholic abuse story
The Houston Chronicle’s “Abuse of Faith” newspaper series about sexual abuse in the Southern Baptist Convention likely would not have been possible without an earlier expose of the Roman Catholic Church published by the Boston Globe, that paper’s former editor…
ERLC trustees affirm Leatherwood’s ‘good work’ and parameters for agency’s work
Just weeks after his former board chairman tried to fire him, Brent Leatherwood kept his job as president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission yesterday. ERLC trustees, who are elected by messengers to SBC annual meetings,…