You’ve tithed all your life to a church, dutifully giving that 10% “back to God” as you were taught. But then something happened. A loved one came out. Or you came out. Or Trump got elected. Or the pandemic happened….
Religion Notes: Church giving on rise despite drops in attendance
-Nurturing young children, teens
-Ministry to the military
Young people are tithing — but not to churches alone, researchers say
The idea of counting gifts to nonprofits other than a house of worship is a difficult concept for some church members to grasp. But congregations may have to come to grips with the concept and with the idea that younger generations tend to view tithing in broad terms.
Trust in Jesus, except with wealth
By Seth Vopat When in doubt, turn to the Gospels. Uncertain where to go, trust in Jesus. The red letters — which is Christian language for words attributed to Jesus — will show you how to follow. Except for when…
Cultivating generous giving
By Molly T. Marshall Since my vocation as a seminary president requires travel and presence in varied congregations, which means irregular attendance at my home church, I volunteered to be a member of the stewardship committee. It meets at times…
Experts say gratitude generates the generosity needed for sustained giving
By Lori Fogelman and Jeff Brumley A Baylor University professor has been preaching a message some may consider radical in American society — even during the holidays: generosity. It’s also a concept close to the hearts of pastors struggling to convince shrinking…
Soar past tithing on your way to becoming wildly generous
Should we forget tithing? Is it passé? Does it set up an artificial target on which too few people actually agree? Tithing seems like an obvious principle–10 percent of your income–yet too often it becomes a negative point for confusion,…
Does anybody really know what tithing is?
By George Bullard Has a more general, difficult to measure, New Testament-oriented concept called generosity snuffed out the clear, easy to measure, Old Testament concept of tithing? Let me try that again. Has a left-brained legalism about tithing interpreted as…
Does anybody really know what tithing is? Does anybody really care?
Has a more general, difficult to measure, New Testament-oriented concept called generosity snuffed out the clear, easy to measure, Old Testament concept of tithing? Let me try that again. Has a left-brained legalism about tithing interpreted as 10 percent of…