Religious pilgrimages have been one of the main factors driving the recent boom in tourism, which has been pointed to as one of the fastest-growing sectors in the world. In Zimbabwe, since 2010, there has been a rise in religiously…
In defense of travel
If you’re still thinking about a quickie vacation trip to Europe this summer, don’t. The COVID pandemic seems to be over (we hope), so tourists catching up on pleasure travel have descended upon the usual spots in their millions. Coastal…
Young earth creationist attractions take top honors again in USA Today polling
It’s the place young earth creationists admire as bringing the Bible to life and other Christians consider ludicrous, but it’s also a hot tourist destination. Readers of USA Today once against voted the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum as…
Following Saint Francis from a safe distance
Last week, Carol and I joined the 4 to 5 million pilgrims who will make their way this year to Assisi, Italy, the cradle of Franciscan spirituality, to walk in the footsteps of St. Francis and buy sacred refrigerator magnets….
Perspectives on immigration – the influence of religion
As a native of Florida, there is a certain pride and frustration present in a bumper-sticker message we natives desire to send to the many seasonal residents of the sunshine state. The message is simple and straight-forward, “Welcome to Florida,…