Hot, tumbleweeds, dry, brown, desert, mountain. These are words often used to describe El Paso, Texas. When I think of El Paso, I think of the sun kissing my skin. Heat enveloping me like the embrace of a long-lost friend….
Get ready for the COVID ‘anniversary effect’ this week
Outside my window, green shoots peek from the ground that was frozen just a couple of weeks ago. Warm air greets me like an old friend, and tree buds are biding their time until they explode open in pops of…
Repressing my sexual orientation cost me my health — permanently
I can’t remember what it feels like to not be in pain. It’s been years since I’ve had the energy of a healthy person. The litany of physical symptoms that rage war in my body daily are a result of…
Christian symbols and sedition at the Capitol: The church has work to do
It may be low-grade trauma. I have found it difficult to focus since the events of Jan. 6, when the United States Capitol was overthrown, with lawmakers huddled inside. My lack of focus has left me doom scrolling, watching countless…
Understanding the trauma and finding hope after the siege of the nation’s Capitol
As I reflect on the violent attack on our nation’s Capitol, words that continually linger in my mind are “trauma” and “hope.” Still, why would I write about the siege of the Capitol when so many have already written eloquently…
Barna advice to pastors: Talk honestly about emotions and relationships
The pastoral skills and mental health of clergy were pushed to the limits in 2020, and the first few weeks of 2021 may be doing much of the same. Recent research shows that leading congregations through the traumatic events like…
Seek to become a ‘trauma-informed congregation’ in November forward
In recent years, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder has become a highly visible part of our culture, and generalized trauma has emerged as a consistent issue for clergy and churches. The majority of Americans have experienced a significant trauma in their…
Naked and ashamed: American Christianity’s purity culture and embodiment in the Church
Purity culture, alive and thriving in church youth groups, argues that Christians should shut down their sex drives and minimize the relationships to their bodies. Research shows the damage being done.
Toni Morrison and the story of Rizpah: creating language that heals in a time of trauma
How the late Toni Morrison “did language” invited a greater intentionality in telling the stories that might make for a different future. What could be more important in these troubling and traumatic days than crafting language that heals a broken nation, a people concerned about the current dystopic narrative?