In the latest episode of conservative Christianity’s persecution complex, the Biden administration is accused of discriminating against Christians by prohibiting them from fostering kids. “Biden Takes Aim at Christian Foster Care,” one headline from the American Family Association claims. “The Biden Regime…
Rick Warren’s letter to the SBC was BNG’s most-read opinion piece in 2023
Rick Warren’s personal appeal to Southern Baptists about his battle with the Southern Baptist Convention over church autonomy and women in ministry were the most-read Baptist News Global opinion pieces in 2023. The issue of patriarchy and women’s roles in…
Just what we needed: Another pompous declaration from the conservative Calvinist evangelicals
The Christians who keep abusing their privilege to demand everyone else conform to their narrow views of culture and politics have released a new “declaration” against the abuse of power. As if the world needed one more declaration from the…
In early contests, Conservative Baptist Network loses SBC leadership posts
In the preliminaries to the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting, candidates backed by the Conservative Baptist Network June 13 were turned back in every attempt to gain leadership. Whether that trend will continue on the opening day of the SBC…
We need to talk about Voddie … and fast
I’ve learned recently that the value of a disagreement in 2022 is fairly low, nearly completely devoid of any real value at all. This is due mostly to the constant stream of information for which we are able to, and…
A surprising nominee for SBC presidency announced in a surprising way
The most conservative wing of the Southern Baptist Convention bypassed the denominational news service in favor of a conservative political outlet March 22 to announce its slate of two candidates for office when the SBC gathers this June. As if…
Letter to the Editor: Advice from Roger Williams
Letter to the Editor March 15, 2022 Dear Editor: WOW! I had never heard of Voddie Baucham until I read about him this past week on BNG. This guy is nothing more than a sociopath. He needs to stay where…
Dear Willy Rice and Ed Litton: I will gladly publish your explanation of Voddie Baucham’s theology if you will tell us exactly where we misrepresented him
The TheoBros have reacted with typical bombast this week to two articles we’ve published about Voddie Baucham. In predictable fashion, they have lobbed vitriol at BNG and our writers while accusing us of being vitriolic. This is a classic distraction…
Plagiarism is the least thing to worry about with Voddie Baucham, who is a threat to children, women and daughters
After Baptist News Global broke the news that Voddie Baucham was being asked to accept a nomination to become the next president of the Southern Baptist Convention, the Theobros could hardly contain their excitement. Owen Strachan tweeted: “What Voddie saw TEN YEARS AGO, many…