Sunday did not feel like Easter; except for this: what may have been our saddest Easter may also have been our most Easter-like Easter.
Work as religion: why Protestants need to let go of the Protestant Work Ethic
The rise of work as a religion has occurred during the decline of Christianity as a religion.
Aaron Sorkin Presents ‘The Prodigal Son’
Aaron Sorkin should tackle the “Parable of the Prodigal Son.” I’ve taken it upon myself to offer a rough draft to get him started.
Two days with the monks: Protestant envy, confusion and gratitude
Two days in a monastery is a gift, but so is realizing that you belong somewhere else.
Year in Review for thoughtful Christians: Part 2 (July – December)
If you consider yourself a thoughtful Christian, then this is the Year in Review for you.
Year in Review for thoughtful Christians: Part 1 (January – June)
If you consider yourself a thoughtful Christian, then this is the Year in Review for you.
The year in review for thoughtful Christians (you might have missed something)
If you consider yourself a thoughtful Christian, then this is the Year in Review for you.
Sitting in someone else’s chair
We do not want to sit where others sit, because we like believing that our perspective is the best perspective. This is how we divide the world into us and them.
Here are your inspirational clichés for today
Don’t feel sad if you did not spend yesterday or today thinking about it being the day that the Lord has made and being glad in it. Tomorrow will also be a day that the Lord will make.