Elation and outrage. President Obama’s executive decision on immigration sparked one reaction or the other in the American soul, if there is such a thing. Perhaps we must speak of two American souls.
3 community development principles the church should apply to all ministries
“What would it take for us to have those we wish to serve be part of the strategy of serving?” That’s what John Maher, vicar of St. Francis Episcopal Church in Manakin Sabot, VA, said during an interview.
Cultivating an attitude of gratitude
By Bill Wilson Thanksliving. Grady Nutt introduced us to this delightful word in his epic book Agaperos a generation ago. In each chapter he blended two ideas into one integrated and complete whole. In doing so, he taught us to…
After Ferguson, a letter to my children
By Greg Jarrell Dear John Tyson and Zeb, You make my heart sing. The joy in your eyes as you take in the world sometimes takes my breath away, which makes it hard to tell you about the shadow sides…
The season to ‘stir-it up’
By Scott Dickison I recently learned of a tradition in the Anglican Church that celebrates the final Sunday before Advent as “Stir-Up Sunday.” Apparently the name “Stir-Up Sunday” comes from the opening words of the collect for the day in…
on mega-churches, millennials and modernism.
In my hometown there is a church. This church has a sanctuary. A steeple. A large staff of religious professionals. A jet. A hashtag campaign for each sermon series. A fleet of boats. A “membership” of over 8,000. And at…
Thanksgiving Day, 2060
By David Gushee Follow David: @dpgushee My wife Jeanie displays a famous Norman Rockwell painting every year around this time. It depicts the patriarch and matriarch of a large clan gathered around the Thanksgiving table preparing to tuck into a…
A Chilean love story: A Catholic priest and his wife
By Brett Younger Joseph came to Santiago, Chile, in 1974 as the new priest at a two-priest parish. Early each morning and late each evening a young woman walked past his window. After several months, he asked where she was…
Churches less inclined to look to denominations for resources
By George Bullard It is no longer true that denominations provide a majority of the resources needed by many of their congregations. It has been at least a quarter of a century or longer since many denominations in North America…