Say the name “Norman Rockwell,” and immediately iconic images of vintage Americana spring to mind. His paintings for Boy Scouts of America and for the covers of the Saturday Evening Post all portray a vision of American life that we…
Where’s that bishop on my speed dial?
By Amy Butler Just last week Episcopal laywoman and noted author Sara Miles stopped by for a conversation about life and faith and some other interesting things. Given the ecumenical nature of the evening it seemed only right that the…
Making the Lenten pilgrimage
By Molly T. Marshall Lent always sneaks up on me even when the season after Epiphany is a bit longer, like this year. I am seeking to be more deliberate as I enter the most dislocating of the liturgical seasons…
High court must not rule RFRA is unconstitutional
By J. Brent Walker When the U.S. Supreme Court hears oral arguments on March 25 in the contraception case involving Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties, it will be asked to decide novel and difficult questions concerning the interpretation and…
What do we mean by ‘open’ and ‘closed’?
By Luke Smith The word “open” is increasingly used as a metaphor for a more measured, relaxed and polite, engagement with our world. In contrast, the term “closed” is a metaphor for all that is bigoted, unfairly exclusionary or simply…
No marriage at all? Why Oklahoma lawmakers are onto something
In a recent interview with News 9 in Oklahoma City, state representative Mike Turner said, “[My constituents are] willing to have that discussion about whether marriage needs to be regulated by the state at all.” When I heard that quote…
Breaking the me-addiction
By Bill Wilson I recently visited an impressive coffee shop in a southern city and noticed a sign above the counter that said simply, “We appreciate your addiction.” From the length of the line I waited in to get my…
True Beliebers
By Brett Younger When Justin Bieber was arrested in January for drinking, driving and drag racing it was front-page news and a goldmine for late-night comics. Jay Leno opened with an announcement from President Obama: “America’s number one domestic terrorist…
Reflections on the rising student debt: A Latina Christian perspective
Recently I was reminded through different conversations about the issue of student debt. The first two conversations were related to ministerial students (bachelor’s and master’s levels) who are acquiring significant debt to obtain an education. The concern relates to the…