Although family togetherness characterizes the Christmas season, some of us may find ourselves relationally poorer this New Year. No one has died, and yet gifts are unsent and places are empty at the table. If this sounds familiar, you’ve got…
How the election split the survivor sphere
The echo chamber got me. I am a survivor of child abuse and an advocate for victims of domestic violence; the related social spheres are the ones I frequent online. All I had seen for weeks was joy over Harris/Walz…
Not So Sorry explores the question: Should victims always forgive their abusers?
Dietrich Bonhoeffer railed against cheap grace that’s given “without asking questions or fixing limits.” Kaya Oakes targets “quick forgiveness,” a form of spiritual abuse practiced by powerful, charismatic and sexually predatory Christian leaders who pressure victims to quickly forgive, forget,…
Shen Yun dancers abused by Falun Gong leaders, report finds
Christian groups have promoted The Epoch Times newspaper and The Firing Squad film to Christians by concealing their links to Falun Gong, a non-Christian spiritual movement. But a New York Times report on the Shen Yun dance troupe further highlights…
Maybe we are the sharks
We fear shark attacks despite being far, far more likely to die in a car wreck while driving to the beach than being bit by a shark once at the beach. Shark attacks make the national news precisely because they…
The story of Solid Rock Church increasingly appears to be built on sinking sand
The story of the South Carolina pastor accused of grooming and abusing his wife before she allegedly took her own life keeps changing every day. Mica Miller’s plight has drawn international headlines since she was found in another state dead…
A pastor’s wife’s questionable suicide sparks suspicion and highlights the fruit of abusive theologies
Mica Miller’s body was found at 3:03 p.m. April 27 in Robeson County, N.C., with a gunshot wound to the head, an hour and a half drive away from her home in Myrtle Beach, S.C., two days after serving her…
The church could increase resilience in survivors
Resilience is the ability to bounce back or rebound from adversity. We see this in how trees bend in the wind, how shorelines adapt to change or how a forest recovers from a wildfire. We also see resilience in humans…
Why Josh Howerton makes me ashamed to be a complementarian
OK, I’ll admit it: I hate to use the term at all. While I wouldn’t consider myself an egalitarian, complementarianism has come to mean so many things I don’t stand for. Between John Piper saying a woman shouldn’t give directions…