A Louisiana College professor resigned in protest in February, claiming administrators at the Baptist school tried to suppress criticism of a chapel speaker for using sexualized imagery and leaving the impression that a woman’s value is measured by her physical appearance and sexual history.
Woman in SBC leadership post says #MeToo
A vice president at LifeWay Christian Resources joined the #MeToo and #ChurchToo moments roiling the Southern Baptist Convention with a statement March 11 claiming she was sexually abused by a seminary professor who resigned last year due to an undisclosed “personnel matter.”
God is not a guy and neither am I: male dominance and sexual abuse in churches
Changing male-dominant leadership and language that have been the norm for thousands of years may not always be easy or comfortable, but when we understand the suffering that results from failure to do so, we can change.
#MeToo fallout continues for Memphis megachurch
Six months after he stood by a staff member accused of past sexual assault of a teenager, the founding pastor of a megachurch in Memphis, Tennessee, has resigned. Lead Pastor Chris Conlee and trustees of Highpoint church released a joint…
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CBF-wide task force to preview resources that address clergy sexual misconduct
DALLAS — A task force launched two years ago by the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and Baptist Women in Ministry to educate and resource churches about clergy sexual misconduct will preview an educational video and a church policy guideline resource at…
Paige Patterson, Mother’s Day and #MeToo
Sexual assault and harassment are unconscionable in all environments, but there is something especially vile about the culture in religion that often leads to the abuse and silencing of women.