Two Texas churches affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention have joined the National Religious Broadcasters and Intercessors for America in a lawsuit that seeks to do away with any federal limits on politicking by tax-exempt religious nonprofits. Sand Springs Church…
When is a ‘church’ not really a church? Only when defined by the IRS
Not only are conservative evangelicals seeking to redefine religious liberty to their favor through court rulings, they’re also quietly using a provision of the IRS code to shield their flourishing nonprofit ministries from financial reporting obligations and to aid in…
Churches can talk about issues and advocate for voting rights without running afoul of the law, BJC leaders explain
Even in the midst of a highly charged 2020 election cycle, most American houses of worship have protected their tax-exempt status by avoiding candidate endorsements and direct involvement in political campaigns, said Amanda Tyler, executive director of Baptist Joint Committee…
Does the Johnson Amendment have any teeth left?
Donald Trump failed to “totally destroy” the Johnson Amendment as he promised evangelical Christian supporters, but a current case may demonstrate whether the no-politicking policy for tax-exempt organizations has any teeth left. The Johnson Amendment is a 1954 law that…
Tax-exempt college admissions scam reaches into the Bible Belt
Wealthy parents caught up in a $25 million college admissions cheating scandal dubbed “Operation Varsity Blues” got a tax write-off for bribes allegedly funneled through the same type of non-profit organization that allows individuals to avoid paying taxes on money they give to their church.
Southern Baptist lawmakers leading the way in seeking Johnson Amendment repeal
Three Southern Baptist members of Congress are sponsoring legislation that seeks to repeal a law barring churches and other non-profit organizations that are exempt from paying federal income taxes from endorsing or opposing political candidates.
Baptist leader promotes balanced view of religious liberty before Senate panel
A Baptist church-state specialist warned a Senate panel Oct. 2 against “a growing misunderstanding and sometimes willful distortion” of the constitutional right to free exercise of religion.
Vice President Mike Pence stirs up ‘values voters’ for mid-term elections
Vice President Mike Pence urged evangelical Christians not to let complacency jeopardize gains achieved during the last two years by President Donald Trump in a speech Saturday at the Family Research Council’s Values Voter Summit. “The choice in this election…
Missouri Baptist group opposes Senate candidate’s call for Johnson Amendment repeal
A moderate Baptist organization in Missouri reiterated its support for a provision in the federal tax code barring churches from endorsing or opposing political candidates that has suddenly emerged as an issue in one of the most-watched U.S. Senate races…