Now that the USA government shutdown is over–at least for a while–let’s reflect on the lessons churches can learn from the shutdown about conflict. Many of these are lessons of what not to do. These lessons are also politically neutral….
A committee-run church can be ugly
A ministry friend recently posted a request on Facebook for the job descriptions for church committees. That is a very legitimate request. If a church is going to have committees, those committees need to have a clear understanding of their…
Intergenerational mission
What is your favorite church or denominational buzz word or phrase? There are so many: missional, free and faithful, purpose driven, emergent, traditional, contemporary. When overused, buzz words can begin to lose their meaning. Take, for example, one of my…
Changing perspectives about mission
Hyaets Community frequently receives calls from folks wanting to visit. This is essential for us, as it provides us with opportunities to connect with old friends, meet some new ones, and most of the time brings willing workers to help…
Fixing v. ‘fixing to’
My grandfather had a little phrase, a real “southernism,” that he constantly used whenever somebody asked if he intended to do something. “I’m aiming to,” he would respond. I was never quite sure if he meant by it that he…