There he was, 10 feet in front of me in broad daylight. There was no mistaking him for someone else. To my advantage, I spotted him from behind the tinted windows of my car, where he couldn’t see me, yet…
Transforming a multi-issue culture requires us to be multi-issue people
Intersectionality helps us see that the problem is systemic. We live in a social system with institutions – including the church – built to ensure the maintenance of white supremacy and patriarchy. Our solutions, then, also have to be systemic.
Baptist men, it’s time to listen to Baptist women. Not Baptist? If the shoe fits…
Here are some ways Baptist (and other Christian) men can change their behaviors to better listen to – and engage, empower and learn from – Baptist (and other Christian) women.
Let’s bury the patriarchal narrative in American culture. Politics and churches are good places to start
American culture is patriarchal to the core. As author Leslie Dorrough Smith argues, the ideal male identity remains white, heterosexual and given to “family values” (even while their behavior contradicts this supposed conviction).
A coffee mug and a heated conversation saved me from my self-righteous view of patriarchy
For thousands of years a lie has been promoted by the powerhouse religions of Judaism, Islam and Christianity, often with the wedding and bedding of religion and state. The lie said, “Patriarchy works for everyone – especially men.” But the truth is patriarchy doesn’t work for everyone – even men.
SBC leader says APA guidelines on ‘toxic masculinity’ do not square with Scripture
New American Psychological Association guidelines labeling “traditional masculinity ideology” bad for male health aren’t sitting well with religious leaders who hold a “complementarian” view of what the Bible teaches about gender.
Brian McLaren says Baptists ‘doing harm’ to nation and world
Baptists are doing a lot of harm in today’s society, emergent church leader Brian McLaren said in a podcast posted recently on a Cooperative Baptist Fellowship blog.
Donald Trump stole my old church
I am not going to defend my old church any more. If you are acting like a racist, homophobe or misogynist in 2017, then you are a racist, homophobe or misogynist.