The experience of James Bradley as one of America’s first black seminarians can show us how far we have come. But, even as theology schools consider ways to address their culture of whiteness, it also shows us how far we have yet to travel.
President Trump is being investigated, not lynched
The president’s racist Twitter message employing the language of lynching was a diabolical suggestion that the current impeachment inquiry is the existential, moral and legal equivalent of murder.
Hope in spite of killer cops and Kanye’s cult
The deep and abiding anger that we harbor at the world as it is today will kill us in greater numbers than the actions of crooked cops, Trump-loving white nationalists or mass shooters. As elusive as it may seem, seeking the peace that surpasses all understanding must be our daily work.
Persons of color are weary of the forgiveness conversation. We want honesty from white Americans
Brandt Jean’s embrace of his brother’s killer triggered a national conversation about forgiveness. But another conversation needs to be had in America and its churches.
Want to truly memorialize a 100-year-old race massacre? Let the people see the truth
We will not be afraid or lose hope or stop working for racial justice – meaning restitution and reparations – no matter how white supremacists and their quieter sympathizers sanitize bigotry, hypocrisy and addiction to greed with their hollow gestures.
Brandt Jean’s forgiveness of his brother’s killer was a Christ-like act; so is the call for justice
I acknowledge the bravery and faith that it must have required to say before the entire world, “I forgive.” But “I forgive you” is not the only cry we must hear.
Why a monument marking the 100-year anniversary of a race massacre injures rather than heals
A monument recognizing the 100th anniversary of the Elaine Race Massacre will soon be “dedicated,” not in Elaine, Arkansas, but in Helena, across from the courthouse where justice was not served, on ground that also hosts a tribute to seven Confederate generals.
Nationalism and the tribal god it creates
Instead of worshipping a Cosmic Christ, many have settled for a tribal deity who suits our tribal behavior. The result? A nationalism which places country above God and uses religion to justify any means.
Judge calls for hate-crime probe in monument defacement
An Arkansas judge and Baptist minister is asking that the chopping down of a tree planted in honor of victims of a 1919 race massacre be investigated as a hate crime.