I get nervous about declarations that our current times are the “most” anything in human history. So I hesitate to say our current situation is the “most” critical time to engage contemporary issues in the church.
Study: evangelicals at odds with rest of nation on police and racial bias
Unlike most Americans, evangelical Christians do not believe that law enforcement treats minorities unfairly, new research by The Barna Group has found. “Overall, only 29 percent of evangelicals believe police unfairly target people of color,” the Christian research organization said…
Dear non-racist white people: stop saying we’re not racist
In so many ways, we are still experiencing the beginning birth pains of an integrated America. In some ways, we’ve made significant and hopefully irreversible progress. In other ways, it might as well be the first day of integration or the mad years of Jim Crow.
Black pastor urges CBF to partner with institutions in the ‘hood’
An African-American pastor says Baptists should become less concerned about “just having blacks in white space” for the sake of diversity and more involved in building institutions that empower predominantly black neighborhoods.
Pastor says being black a ‘burdensome joy’
An African-American minister described the experience of being black in America as a “burdensome joy” at a New Baptist Covenant luncheon June 23 during the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship General Assembly in Greensboro, N.C. “Much of who I am and what…
When will there be enough women ministers?
Early this year in the wake of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s death, his colleague, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, was asked when there will be enough women on the Supreme Court. Her answer caused quite a stir as she quickly…
Historian says it’s ‘too late in the denominational game’ for segregated ministry
Baptists no longer have the luxury in today’s culture of ministering to their communities in silos separated by race, Baptist historian Bill Leonard said June 23 at a New Baptist Covenant luncheon at the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship General Assembly in…
Service at Emanuel marks transition to normalcy, worship
In a well-attended Sunday morning worship service at Emanuel AME Church that felt like a purposeful return to normalcy, the Rev. Betty Deas Clark importuned her listeners to trust that the Lord will relieve burdens and provide comfort.
Do only black football players sexually assault coeds at Baylor?
This is a big month in race relations among Baptists. This week at the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention, Jerry Young, president of the National Baptist Convention USA Inc. was a speaker, and a participant with SBC president…