Immigrant rights groups continue to praise a White House and Centers for Disease Control decision to end Title 42, the anti-COVID health provision used to conduct mass deportations of asylum seekers at the U.S.-Mexico border. The American public, on the…
Here’s another form of Long-COVID: Progress against global poverty and hunger sent backward by decades
The COVID-19 pandemic has undone decades of progress in addressing global poverty and hunger and made the world an altogether harder place to live for millions of people, according to a new report by World Relief. “From 1990 until 2015,…
Biden administration can barely catch a break on rebuilding and implementing immigration plans as global urgency grows
Faith leaders and immigration advocates have been holding President Joe Biden’s feet to the fire in their quest to move America toward a more compassionate and comprehensive approach to immigration. But this week, the Biden administration did something immigration advocates…
New coalition of business, civic and religious groups hopes to pressure Congress to act on immigration
More than 30 American business, civic, immigrant rights and religious organizations announced the formation of a coalition designed to pressure Congress and the White House to enact border security and immigration reforms in 2022. The Alliance for a New Immigration…
As he prepares to step down from National Immigration Forum, Noorani lauded as bridge-builder
Ali Noorani’s passion for refugees, and his gift for building coalitions around migrant justice causes, has made him a leader in the U.S. immigration reform movement and a must-have on news outlets ranging from PBS Newshour and Fox News to…
Haitians at the border represent a humanitarian crisis, not a security crisis, evangelical leaders say
Americans worried about border security should look beyond the popular-but-false portrayal of migrants as invaders and seek ways to help those in troubled nations not need to become immigrants in the first place. That’s the message of two evangelical leaders…
It’s easy to be overwhelmed by tragic world events, but faith demands action, speakers say
Bewilderment and apathy are predicable responses to the news of one global disaster after another, but they are no excuse for inaction on the part of Christians and church communities, a series of speakers said during a call to action…
‘Humanitarian catastrophe’ unfolding in Afghanistan
“What we are witnessing, in real time, is a humanitarian catastrophe.” That’s the grim assessment of the situation in Afghanistan this week by one of the foremost authorities on immigration work in the United States. Ali Noorani, president of the…
She’s pro-life and pro-immigrant and trying to bring other evangelical women along
Conservative, pro-life Christians needn’t fear having to dismantle their biblical values or abandon their concern for secure borders to view and serve immigrants and refugees with compassion, said the leader of a national women’s ministry dedicated to promoting hospitality. “I…