At the recent Golden Globes, Demi Moore received the award for Best Actress in a Musical or Comedy for her role in a gruesome, gory horror film. The Substance — which I have not seen — does not sound like…
The light in my mother’s eyes
My mother had light in her eyes. She was a delightful combination of my grandparents. My grandmother had a strong sense of right and wrong, a strong sense that her way was right and yours was wrong. So much was…
Christians who don’t think much of Jesus
A month ago, Carol and I went to the Paley Center for Media in Manhattan for a panel discussion on “The Media’s Role in Combating Antisemitism: Next Generation Digital Storytellers.” The speakers were fascinating. Tova Friedman is a Holocaust survivor…
I have come to a fork in the road and I must take it
I am embarrassed. I don’t have an excuse. My friends don’t understand what’s wrong with me. I moved from Atlanta to Brooklyn eight years ago. I’m a baseball fan who, inexplicably, hasn’t chosen between the Mets and Yankees. This is…
Time management, soul management
I hope reading this column is a good use of your time, and I hope writing this column was a good use of my time, because you and I waste a lot of time. We turn on the TV out…
Flight delays and other thought-provoking interruptions
Whenever we travel, one person usually does the worrying about staying on schedule. This helpful, often misunderstood person is a compulsive clock-watcher. This has been a rough summer for people who still wear watches and for Delta, which canceled more…
A preacher takes a screenwriting class
written by Brett Younger FADE IN 1 INT. KITCHEN – DAY 1 A couple sitting at their kitchen table in a Brooklyn brownstone have just finished two pieces of birthday cake. Sixty-three burnt candles have a plate of their own….
‘Baby, you’re a firework!’
Do you think arriving at 9 p.m. for fireworks that begin at 9:25 would be early enough? If you do, then the New York Police Department would like to have a word with you. We could have guaranteed ourselves seats…
The church’s guide to atheism
Some days, church people might as well be atheists. They say they believe in God, but they live as if God does not matter much. They do not pray that often, read the Bible that much or care for hurting…