“They’re going to hell,” declared Founders Ministry president and Southern Baptist pastor Tom Ascol. In a scene reminiscent of Oprah Winfrey’s “You Get a Car” giveaway, Ascol proclaimed, “Kamala Harris is going to hell, … (Anne) Branigin is going to…
Southern Baptist Calvinists crave authority, not Baptist theology
Do not be fooled by the new Calvinists among the Southern Baptists who are stirring fears of liberals in the denomination. Lies are being told about liberal influences in one of the most conservative denominations in the nation. And the…
The Law Amendment may not be the most important action taken at next week’s SBC annual meeting
The Southern Baptist Convention has been at war with itself for more than 40 years, with each new battle promising uniformity that never materializes for long. This year’s SBC annual meeting, happening next week in Indianapolis, represents another major front…
Why a Calvinist pastor may be coming to your church
Recently, I heard yet another story of a “centrist” Southern Baptist church calling a pastor who is inevitably going to steer the church sharply to the right. It doesn’t take a Ph.D. in theology to understand this. It only takes…
What grief, denial and fear have to do with the evangelical fascination with Trump
“Whether Trump means it or not is kind of irrelevant because he’s saying the things to people who are hurting,” filmmaker Michael Moore told a gathering of voters in his 2016 documentary TrumpLand. “It’s why every beaten down, nameless, forgotten working stiff who…
Pope Francis vs. John Piper: Two views of ‘masculinizing’ the church
“One of the great sins we have had is ‘masculinizing’ the church,” Pope Francis admitted to the International Theological Commission last month in what could potentially become the most impactful theological repentance of the year. “Women have a capacity for…
In dialogue with Doug Wilson and the ‘pop Calvinists,’ at least Wilson is consistent
Twenty-three years after John Piper called Doug Wilson an “absolute genius at sarcasm and irony,” pop Calvinists are still wringing their hands over how to respond to the conservative Reformed pastor from Moscow, Idaho. “You’re very clever, really clever. And…
O’Fallon quits CBN, G3 and Alpha and Omega
One of the most controversial leaders with links to the Conservative Baptist Network and the Baptist Calvinist group G3 Ministries has resigned those posts abruptly, claiming he has been the victim of “lies, disinformation, political gamesmanship, false rumors and nonsense.”…
John MacArthur is wrong about so much more than keeping women in abusive marriages
A righteous furor has erupted in the past week over a credible report published by Christianity Today telling more stories of women who sought help through “biblical counseling” at John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church and were told they must remain…