Have you ever been downsized? It hurts, doesn’t it? It hurts the person who is downsized. It hurts their family. It hurts other employees. It even hurts bosses who have a deep, compassionate spirit. Just think what happens when you…
Is it still, ‘If we build it they will come’?
Many of us remember the 1989 movie “The Field of Dreams.” It is about the sense of compulsion a nearly bankrupt Iowa farmer felt to build a baseball field in the middle of acres of corn. The voice he kept…
What do you do when your budget becomes a straitjacket?
How has the budget development process gone in your congregation this year? Was there plenty of money to go around? Or, once again did you lower soft or flexible costs like program support and missions because hard or fixed costs…
Replacement referees in the church
“Oh my gosh! Did you see that play? Green Bay should have won the game!” Just about everyone was shocked watching the Green Bay Packers and Seattle Seahawks game finish on Monday night. The reactions were swift and critical. Angry…
‘Those people’ and the 47 percent
“There are 47 percent who are with him [Obama], who are dependent on government, who believe that, that they are victims…My job is not to worry about those people.” — Mitt Romney Mitt Romney got shellacked. When Romney’s fundraiser video was…
Deacons in a Baptist church are a waste if . . .
Sarah looks at the ballot for deacons for the coming year in her congregation. Today in the Sunday worship services is the annual election of a new set of deacons. As she looks at the ballot, she wonders to herself,…
The empty pew
Though it happened at the dedication of Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem, I imagine it to have been a scene in a Monty Python movie! Solomon is praying in I Kings 8. And most of what he has prayed for is…
Think attendance in your church is declining? Think Again
Some eyewitnesses claim the attendance in their congregations is declining. This may be true. In some cases, however, congregations do not know how to count. If you think attendance in your congregation is really declining, I invite you to think…
How spaces become places
Have you ever thought about the difference between places and spaces? A place (as I would define it) is a location with determined boundaries. A space is the opposite; it is a location with undetermined boundaries. Examples may help here….