Two hundred faith leaders, including some luminaries of progressive Christianity, have signed a new statement on Christian faith and democracy calling for renewed attention to eight key principles. “The United States confronts a crisis of democracy, and the American church…
Du Mez, Bass and Tisby warn: Project 2025 is a Christian nationalist blueprint
Project 2025 is a Christian nationalist blueprint for taking control of every level and facet of American government, and scarier still is that most people know nothing about it, scholar and author Kristen Kobes Du Mez said during the “The…
Bass, Tisby, Du Mez and Jones join forces for a Substack
Four of the nation’s leading observers of faith, culture and public life are sharing their latest research and writing in a new online space designed to spark thoughtful discussion about the most challenging issues facing U.S. democracy and society. Diana…
Balmer: ‘Once you begin to lust after political power and political influence, you lose your prophetic voice’
The closer faith groups get to approving the ideology of white Christian nationalism, the further they drift from the original teachings of Christ, author and historian Randall Balmer said during a webinar hosted by Faithful America. “The most effective prophetic…
Politics, faith and mission: A conversation with Jemar Tisby
Jemar Tisby is one of America’s most important prophetic voices, a historian who teaches us how the American church has failed on issues of race and justice, who helps people who look like me wrestle with the truth. His books,…
White Christian nationalism is an ‘unholy alliance’ between fundamentalism and politics, Tisby tells BNG crowd
An event that occurred outside Atlanta more than a century ago presaged the violent, racist God-and-country resurgence of white Christian nationalism that pervades America today, historian and author Jemar Tisby said during the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s General Assembly in Atlanta…
Jemar Tisby will headline BNG event at CBF General Assembly
Historian and author Jemar Tisby will be the featured speaker at this year’s Baptist News Global gathering during the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship General Assembly. Tisby is a New York Times bestselling author, public historian and professor at Simmons College of…
Why aren’t we talking about the theology that drives white Christian nationalism?
Poll after poll and webinar after webinar lays out the data on white Christian nationalism. The facts of this threat to both democracy and faith are well-documented. What’s missing from nearly every public discussion is the toxic theology that fuels…
Woke, awake or unfaithful? Racism in the white church
Feb. 16-18 at Baylor University’s Truett Seminary, we convened our second national conversation about racism in the white church, “Time to Wake Up.” Although those attending were passionate about the program and online and social media comments before, during and…