Three Liberty University students, a young man and two women, sat eating lunch on Wednesday afternoon at a small table in the common dining area of the student union on the sprawling campus perched high above Lynchburg, Virginia.
Mormon church suspends temple activities over virus
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is suspending all temple activity due to concerns over the coronavirus.
Holy Land churches, mosques, synagogues close for coronavirus
In the days before the novel coronavirus, the thought that every church, synagogue and mosque in the Holy Land would be ordered shut was simply unimaginable.
Americans who rage against political correctness are also the most xenophobic—and most likely to vote Trump in 2020
Admittedly, Trump’s initial references to “the Chinese Virus” earlier in March seemed rather ad-hoc. Though clearly xenophobic in context and implication, it seemed that Trump was casually parroting the language of other far-Right commentators like Charlie Kirk. Within the past…
Trump’s Easter goal in war on virus a nod to faith, business
President Donald Trump’s “beautiful” idea to reopen the U.S. economy by Easter Sunday and pack church pews that day was dreamed up during a conference call among business leaders desperate to get the country back up and running.
Virginia Mayor Calls Liberty University ‘Reckless’ For Letting Students Back To Campus
Hundreds of students have traveled back to Liberty University, which refused to shut down for the coronavirus pandemic, sparking public health concerns among local officials in Virginia.
Coronavirus: Liberty University’s Jerry Falwell Jr. welcomes students back amid pandemic
Liberty University in Virginia welcomed students back to campus Monday amid criticism of its president, Jerry Falwell Jr., for the decision during the coronavirus pandemic.
Amid coronavirus, Southern Baptists cancel annual meeting
Leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention, the nation’s largest Protestant group, have canceled the denomination’s annual meeting due to the spread of the coronavirus.
Virtual volunteers offer help to strangers amid virus stress
Sitting cross-legged in her living room, Donna Borak rested her palm on her heart as she guided a small group of virtual participants in meditation and deep breathing. Notice where you might be holding tension, she instructed.