An increasing part of my life is spent advising and coaching pastor search committees. A healthy search process requires great patience, spiritual maturity and hard work. Done well, it can lead to a season of hope and health for a…
The Pietistic Impulse in Christianity, editors Winn, Gehrz, Carlson and Host (Pickwick) In many circles, particularly academic ones, the word pietism is used as an insult. Though self-proclaimed pietists have at times encouraged unfortunate postures (individualism, privatism, bad ecclesiology), the…
ASK THE ARCHITECT: How to hire a contractor
There are, fundamentally speaking, three distinct delivery methods for construction: • Design/Bid/Build • Design/Build • Partnering A simple explanation of each would go something like this: Jim DePasquale • Design/Bid/Build follows that exact sequence. The architect, directly under contract to…
As winter moves in, churches are helping Occupy movement
WASHINGTON (RNS) — As Occupy camps nationwide deal with police crackdowns and the inevitable onset of winter temperatures, religious communities of all stripes are stepping in with offers of shelter and solidarity, say church leaders and protest organizers. Soon after…
OPINION: Always reforming
Ecclesia Semper Reformanda, so the saying goes — “The church is always reforming.” Those words came to mind last week when I heard sociologist-prophet-iconoclast Tony Campolo preach at the New Baptist Covenant II meeting, that multiracial effort at affecting Baptist…
Churches strive for balance as Christmas falls on Sunday
“You mean we have to go to church Christmas Eve and Christmas morning?” Many worship leaders know their own children likely will ask that question this year. They also know quite a few families in their congregations will answer, “No.”…
GOT NEWS? Send information for this page to HeraldBeat editor Barbara Francis at [email protected]. Even better — add the Herald to your church’s newsletter email list, send us a link to your online newsletter or mail your…
‘Occupy’ movement comes to Charlotte — whimsically
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (ABP) — As the Occupy protest movement spreads into cities across the United States and around the world, one North Carolina Baptist congregation says it is time to occupy the church. A sign in front of the church…
Last day for 2011 gifts. Jan. 5, 2012, is the last day contributions toward the 2011 Baptist General Association of Virginia budget will be received by the BGAV treasurer’s office. Treasurer Eddie Stratton said he encouraged BGAV churches to send…