The advent of artificial intelligence marks the end of human endeavor in church and society. Maybe not now, and maybe not in 10 years (if humanity lives that long), but sooner than we’re prepared to cope with it. There’s small…
This San Antonio bookshop owner hopes to bring faith conversations off the pages to real life
Jillian Mason Shannon has had such great experiences in church that she wanted to pass her love of community and theology along to those who have been estranged from Christianity but remain intellectually and spiritually curious. “I have only had…
Embracing the slippery slope
I was that kid. You know. The one who asked questions. Questions the teacher really didn’t want to answer. Questions like, “Did God really create the world in six calendar days? Don’t you know science tells us that it took…
Is our ever-changing worship music giving us spiritual amnesia?
There’s something I’ve noticed in the 10 years since my slow drift away from the contemporary worship movement began. When I walk into a contemporary church service, or accidentally find a CCM radio station, I almost never know any of…
If you’re going to quote 1 Timothy 3:2, be sure to read Exodus 20:17
It’s gone on for millennia. Heck, it’s part of the first story. Adam blamed Eve for his indulgence in a snack that was high in fiber but also the knowledge of good and evil. The Apostle Paul, in 1 Timothy…
We don’t need more ‘context’ to understand Josh Butler’s article on sex and the church
In the wake of The Gospel Coalition publishing a male-centric sexual fantasy about Christ penetrating the church, we are getting a clearer picture of how their alliance is characterized by carelessness and control in an attempt to build author platforms…
Why aren’t we talking about the theology that drives white Christian nationalism?
Poll after poll and webinar after webinar lays out the data on white Christian nationalism. The facts of this threat to both democracy and faith are well-documented. What’s missing from nearly every public discussion is the toxic theology that fuels…
John MacArthur is wrong about so much more than keeping women in abusive marriages
A righteous furor has erupted in the past week over a credible report published by Christianity Today telling more stories of women who sought help through “biblical counseling” at John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church and were told they must remain…
Baylor researchers get $2.5 million grant to help theologians and psychologists work together on human flourishing
A team of Baylor University researchers has landed a $2.5 million grant to train theologians how to use insights gleaned from the psychological sciences to study how human beings can live their most fulfilling lives. But the scholars involved also…